"The Pilgrimage will be a powerful, once-in-a-lifetime witness of how Jesus Christ comes close to us and invites all to encounter him in the Eucharist."
The Holy Spirit is inviting the Church in the U.S. to find unity and renewal through a grassroots movement we call the Revival. Discerned and called for by the bishops of the U.S., this movement is rekindling a living faith in the hearts of Catholics across America and will unleash a new missionary chapter at this pivotal moment in Church history—please take part in a local Eucharistic Pilgrimage.
Q1 | What is the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage?
The National Eucharistic Pilgrimage is a truly unique initiative. This is something NEW—a beautiful fusion of the journey TO Jesus and the journey WITH Jesus. What’s more, it is an adventure that all Catholics can do together, either by interior disposition or physical accompaniment.
We are participating in the Marian Route of the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage. Departing from the headwaters of the Mississippi (Itasca State Park), the northern arm of the Pilgrimage begins in Minnesota and will pass through Wisconsin and Illinois, and meet up with the other three pilgrimage routes at the Congress in Indianapolis, Indiana.
This is the birth of something remarkable. Join us as we accompany Jesus in the Eucharist from the north, south, east, and west edges of our country, stopping at many holy sites and churches along the way. Together we will journey with Christ on his way to the 10th National Eucharistic Congress, where he comes to encounter his people anew.
Q2 | What are the events on Monday, May 20?
5:00PM - 7:00PM | St. Joseph Catholic Church hosts a potluck dinner in the school gymnasium. Enter through the school or the church and follow the signs (elevator available). Please bring a dish to pass (salads, entrees or dessert). We are providing sloppy joes, buns and beverages.
7:15PM - 8:00PM | Join us in the sanctuary space of St. Joseph Catholic Church for a speaker and reflection
8:00PM - 9:00PM | Holy Hour - Remain in the church sanctuary space for adoration.
Beginning at 9:00PM | Continuous adoration overnight
Q3 | What time is Mass on Tuesday, May 21?
8:00AM Mass | St. Joseph Catholic Church
Q4 | Will there be daily Mass at St. Augustine on Tuesday, May 21?
No, daily Mass at St. Augustine is cancelled on Tuesday, May 21.
"Then the two recounted what had taken place on the way and how he was made known to them in the breaking of the bread.”
LUKE 24:35
Q5 | How far is our local Procession/Pilgrimage and where does it end?
9:00AM | Procession begins at St. Joseph Catholic Church and ends at Itasca County Fairgrounds {link to map}.
Total procession route is approximately 4 miles. Approximate end time is 11:45AM.
We will not be providing transportation back to St. Joseph Church from Itasca County Fairgrounds. Suggestion: find a friend who will also be processing and arrange to leave a car at the parking lot of the Itasca County Fairgrounds earlier in the morning.
We anticipate those who are participating in the procession will walk the entire route. Be prepared for the weather: bring hats, coats, rain gear if necessary. Strollers and families are welcome to join in the pilgrimage. If it is lightly raining, we will still plan to process. Anything more than light rain, updates will be given at the 8:00AM Mass.
Continuation of Procession is by vehicle to Longyear Park in Coleraine, MN
Q6 | What is the Procession/Pilgrimage that is happening at Mary Immaculate in Coleraine?
12:00PM | Procession begins at Longyear Park, Cole Street, Coleraine, MN. {link to map}.
Total procession route is approximately 0.5 miles. Approximate end time is 12:30PM.
Transportation back to Longyear Park will not be provided. Suggestion: find a friend who will also be processing and arrange a ride back to Longyear Park.
We anticipate those who are participating in the procession will walk the entire route. Be prepared for the weather: bring hats, coats, rain gear if necessary. Strollers and families are welcome to join in the pilgrimage.
Lunch to follow at Mary Immaculate in Coleraine
2:15PM | Benediction and departure
Q7 | What are the hours of the International Exhibit of Eucharistic Miracles?
May 11 - May 21 | St. Joseph Church Social Hall | Eucharistic Miracles of the World (posters) Exhibit.
Hours of Operation - Click Here